document management

A Guide to Document Management For Businesses

Instead of having filing cabinets line the walls of your office, today’s technology and the digital world allow for document management software to move businesses toward the paperless office. This software helps to improve the accessibility and organization of your company’s documents. When you’re just starting out document management can seem overwhelming, and selecting the right solution that suits your needs is critical. This article intends to be your guide to all things document management—from [...]

By |2023-02-14T13:21:00+00:00August 15th, 2020|document management|0 Comments

Small Business Survival Tips During the COVID-19 Pandemic

Businesses large and small have been hit hard by the coronavirus (COVID-19) outbreak. Unless you’re a grocery store, warehouse club, or Amazon, sales have fallen off a cliff, your cash flow is dwindling, and the light at the end of the tunnel is still out of sight. With such hard times upon us, many smaller companies are at risk of going under. As a business owner, you need to stay calm and not panic...not only [...]

Why Remote Employees Need Document Management

Many of us are comfortably (some in their work pajamas) and effectively working from home these days. Technology makes it possible for us to connect and do our jobs with minimal hassle outside of the office. However, while we can communicate and collaborate from a distance, some remote employees are experiencing one struggle in their new work arrangement: secure access to documents they need to fulfill their responsibilities. Their company lacks document management functionality that [...]

How Document Management Can Help Your Business

No matter what type of industry you work in, document management can be a very beneficial solution for your business. Nevertheless, if you have not heard of it, you may be missing out on a valuable tool that can change your business for the better. What is Document Management? Document management is a system that is used for the purpose of tracking, controlling, and storing documents, files, PDFs, as well as digital images. A document management [...]

By |2023-02-14T13:12:48+00:00March 5th, 2020|document management|0 Comments

What are the Benefits of Document Management?

Document management solutions have been available to businesses of all sizes since the 1980s. Also known as a document management system (DMS), these solutions have transformed into modern, tech-savvy tools that allow users to process and manage paperless documents efficiently and easily. The goal of this blog is to provide you with knowledge about document management and how it can benefit your business. How your documents are captured, stored, and retrieved are crucial to the [...]

By |2023-02-14T13:27:26+00:00December 15th, 2019|document management|0 Comments

What are the Most Common Document Security Risks?

No business is immune to a security breach. From multinational corporations to small businesses, all are a constant target for cybercriminals in search of valuable information. As the use of mobile devices increases, the importance of effective document security becomes even more paramount than before. It’s not only legal data that is continuously under threat. Paper documents and their digital equivalents are also vulnerable to a variety of document security issues. Even the tiniest risks [...]

By |2023-02-14T13:24:35+00:00February 1st, 2019|document management|0 Comments

Best Practices for Document Management Security

Document management security has emerged as an efficient and cost-effective method of storing, managing, and tracking electronic documents and images. It works by digitizing paper documents and converting them into electronic ones for easy access and use. While document management is an excellent way to manage information and data, it's important to adhere to good security practices. Doing so easily alleviates document risks. Document Management Controls Document Distribution Maintaining complete paper records is risky because these [...]

By |2023-02-14T13:08:54+00:00January 1st, 2019|document management|0 Comments

Document Management Will Help You Improve Workflow

Whether it’s collecting, processing, storing, or retrieving, businesses rely heavily on data. As a result, organizations are faced with the challenge of how to effectively manage all the information they handle. According to some statistics, document management challenges account for more than 21 percent of productivity loss. Many organizations find a solution in a document management system (DMS). Organizations investing in a DMS find it’s convenient, effective, secure, and cost-efficient. Here’s how you can improve [...]

By |2023-02-17T09:30:09+00:00November 1st, 2018|document management|0 Comments

EO Johnson and Modern Office Methods Know Solution Selling

by Patricia Ames What do EO Johnson and Modern Office Methods have in common? A trove of subject matter expertise on the topic of solution selling. Luckily I was able to tap into this treasure chest of knowledge while attending the semi-annual Business Products Council Association (BPCA) meeting in Cincinnati by hosting a panel on this topic. And since the BPCA is all about sharing best practices, I’ve gathered some of the highlights here for [...]

By |2020-05-05T11:13:25+00:00August 30th, 2018|document management, software, solutions|0 Comments

Top 5 Savings Thanks to Document Management

If updating one of your office processes would contribute to savings across the board, wouldn't you do it? ABSOLUTELY! Converting your documents from paper to electronic versions will lead to an abundance of savings. We’re not just talking about money—although you'll certainly save that, too.       Here are 5 key areas in which your company will experience savings with the help of a document management system: Time – By working with digital documents, [...]