
Are Your Passwords Strong Enough?

 Modern technology has made many aspects of life more  convenient. However, as with anything else, along with the pros there are inevitably cons. With so much of our lives conducted online, hackers are waging a non-stop war in attempt to gain access to your personal information. Strong passwords are your first line of defense against troublemakers, so make sure yours are up to par.Strong passwords include:  • At least eight characters• Both uppercase and lowercase letters • [...]

Are You Protected Against Hackers?

With so much of our personal data out there thanks to ecommerce and social networking, it’s no wonder hackers and cyber criminals are able to help themselves to our information, which can have catastrophic results. Hacking can lead to such quagmires as identity theft, scams, theft, and file destruction. Is your personal and business data safe?What can you do to protect your personal and company data against hackers and cyber crime? Make it Strong – [...]