office makeover

Corporate Giving: The MOM Way – Jump START Your Nonprofit

  At MOM, we believe in giving back to our community and because of that belief, we started a nonprofit contest called Jump START Your Nonprofit in 2010. Each year we give away 3 - $10,000 office technology makeovers to a local nonprofit in Cincinnati, Dayton, and Columbus, OH. We are currently accepting applications for Jump START, so if you know of a nonprofit in need of new technology, tell them to register at  Registration [...]


As summer approaches, so does our 7th year of our Jump START Your Nonprofit contest! We are pleased to announce the Contest Timeline for this year. Please mark your calendars and pass this along to all of your nonprofit friends!  Monday, July 11 -   Wednesday, September 14, 2016  Registration begins on Monday, July 11, 2016. Nonprofit organizations have approximately 10 weeks to register to win an office technology makeover. Go to to register [...]

Cincinnati Center for Autism WINS $20,000 Office Technology Makeover

The Cincinnati Center for Autism is a winner of Modern Office Methods’ (MOM) fourth annual Jump START Your Nonprofit contest and will receive a $20,000 office technology makeover. Of the 10 Cincinnati finalists, The Cincinnati Center for Autism received the most votes cast online by the public.  “We couldn’t be prouder to support the Cincinnati Center for Autism,” said Steve Bandy, senior vice president of MOM. “Thanks to its fans and community support, the Cincinnati [...]